October Employee Spotlight : Cinthya Cabrales


Meet Cinthya!

General Manager of PURE Roswell, Cinthya is determined, has a heart for PURE, and is an expert salsa dancer! Get to know her below.

Here she is ‘Salsa Dancing’

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What is your favorite thing on the menu? 

The Cubana. I haven’t eaten it lately and I miss it so much!

And your favorite thing to drink?

Easy. A Double Barrel-hold the salt

What are some of your secret talents or hobbies? 

I play soccer and have a mean Elmo voice impression. When my son was younger, I used to do the voice for him because he loved Sesame Street. One day we were watching together and I decided to just try talking like Elmo and it came out almost perfect!

I also used to compete as a salsa dancer when I was a teenager. I LOVE it. So if anyone is ever looking for a salsa lesson… you know who to call!

When are you happiest?

I am happiest when I have a productive day. I like to check things off so that I am worry-free. Outside of work, I’m happiest when I’m with my son and we take the time to have an “us” day. Some of our favorite things to do together are:

  • Go Hiking (he hates it)

  • Go to the river (kayaking, tubing, etc.)

  • Play Soccer (his favorite)

If money wasn't a factor, how would you spend your perfect day? 

I would spend the day at the beach, probably in Tulum, MX (my favorite place ever) with my son. How would I get there? I’d probably fly or take a private yacht.

What is a goal you are currently working towards?

Unconsciously, I’m always working towards owning my own restaurant- whether it be a PURE or something else. My mom passed away when I was 19 so I’ve always wanted to open a restaurant named after her called “Elena’s”.


If you had to start your own business, what would you do? 

Well if I wasn’t opening my own restaurant, I would like to be a home interior designer. I like making things pretty!

Do you have any quotes or mantras you live by? 

“you get what you give”

How did you first hear about PURE?

I first heard about PURE from Alex, the manager at PURE Roswell at the time, who I had worked with previously. I was really unhappy about my job and decided to just quit- straight up. The next week, he called me and asked if I knew any bartenders looking for a job. I did- it was me! I’ve been here ever since. After some time here, I began key managing and was eventually offered an assistant manager position but I originally declined the position for about a year because I was in nursing school.

What is your proudest moment at PURE?

My proudest moment at PURE is probably when I was offered the key manager position so soon after I had started bartending. It was nice to be acknowledged and recognized for my efforts.

And your proudest moment in life? 

Probably when my son moved to a new school system and was tested to be in all advanced classes. I was worried that transition to a new school would be hard at his age and he just blew it out of the water!

What is something most people don't know about you? 

I’m Mexican. People don’t believe me when I tell them.

If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you eat?

Hmm.. let’s go with Sushi!

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We're so thankful to have Cinthya on our Team! Thanks for all your hard work and dedication!