Pure Taqueria — July | Frida Artistry Series Winner...

July | Frida Artistry Series Winner...

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We are so excited to announce our third winner of the Frida Artisty Series Contest is ....

Dolly Villalobos! 

 While you enjoy your peach jalapeño margarita, get to know the artist behind this month's Frida Kahlo inspired glass. 

Get in touch:


Where are you from?

I'm from Atlanta, Georgia and have lived here my whole life except for two years when I lived in Venezuela and four years in Hawaii.

How long have you lived in Atlanta/ Surrounding Areas?

See Above.

What inspired you to submit art for this project?

I was inspired to submit my painting of Frida because she was a very vibrant, independent and colorful woman. I truly think she found her strength in her femininity.

Please describe your artwork. What does the piece mean to you?

My painting shows Frida in a typical posture where she shows how mysterious and open she is at the same time. I have surrounded her with brightly colored flowers. As she once said "I paint flowers so they will not die"... so that's why I paint Frida...so she will not die.

If you win, how would you spend $500 at Pure (a month of free tacos)?

Although I have not tried everything on Pures menu, I do like anything that starts with TA...and ends with COS! (Actually I love your Flautas too!)

